Wondering how you ended up here? Something’s off. Everyone around you is happy and satisfied. Living their happy lives. But not you.

What If…

It probably starts out as something small, something that you know most people don’t even react to. A vague email from a boss, a confusing look from a friend. And your mind goes where you can’t seem to keep it from going.

What did I do wrong? Did I mess something up? Are they mad at me? What if I screwed up this friendship? What if I get fired?

What if, what if, what if…

Then there’s your body, heart beating like it’s going to pound out of your chest, tight shoulders, sweaty palms. Sometimes you know where it started, and then there are times when you have no idea what got you going.

Look for Better…

Even if you have no idea how to make it happen, you can get off the hamster wheel of your busy mind. Running, running, running and getting nowhere. You can live the life you imagine.

You’ve already taken a very important step by looking for a therapist.

Go a little further, and you can be on your way. It’s simple from here. Email me or phone me, and we can get you started. We’ll have a brief call and get you on a different path.

About Jill Giuliano

Hi, I’m Jill.

If you’re looking for the perfect therapist, then I’m sorry – you’re going to have to keep looking. I have enough crumbs on the floor of my minivan to feed my kids for a week, my socks seldom match, and I still haven’t figured out how to work an extra hour into the day so that I can get all my stuff done.

Perfect, no. But I’m lucky.

In my work, I get the chance to work with people who notice that something’s not working in their lives and want to figure out a way to create something better. And I get to be a part of a process where people change their situations from laboring to thriving. Awesome, right?

Better Can Happen for You

You don’t have to stay stuck where you are. And you don’t have to work
it out all by yourself. Text me, email me or phone me, and we’ll talk about the
next steps toward your ‘Better Life.’

Call Me now Email Me