Anxious Children

It’s Painful to Watch

You know you’re not supposed to compare your child to others. Other kids just seem to more carefree.

Your kiddo struggles with worry, tension and fear and maybe even regular visits to the school nurse for random stuff.

How can someone so young be so anxious?

Maybe your child has always worried a lot. Maybe it’s something that has just begun.

Either way, you’re here because you want better for your child.

Is it all my fault?

If you’re an anxious parent, we can figure that out. Blame is a waste of your precious energy.

So how about a little support on this difficult tightrope we all walk as parents.

I can help your 8-12 year old child develop some new ways of thinking and dealing with life’s challenges.

Let’s Get Your Child Some New Tools

Don’t worry about being ready, you’re here, you may as well grab your phone and get the ball rolling.

Call me, text me or email me, we’ll chat about what’s going on and how I can help.