Grief and Loss

You’ve experienced a major loss

The moment you learned is painfully etched in your brain. Like time stood still. And now you’re in this place of wondering what life will look like from here on. In the beginning, you were surrounded by people, there were things to do, stuff to take care of. You walked your numb self through a series of rituals. But now, as the list dwindles, you’re left with a gaping hole in your life.

How are you going to get through this?

Some days, it’s enough to just drag yourself out of bed and get through the day. The heaviness of your feelings is overwhelming. You cry. And then you keep crying. Some time has passed, but your pain feels fresh. Is this what life is going to be like from now on?

You’re wading through some big feelings

Grief and loss can be debilitating. Whether it’s the death of a parent, child, spouse, sibling, partner, friend or pet, grief can envelope us. Friends and relatives are only trying to help. But sometimes, their well-intended words can be painful to hear and the exact opposite of helpful.

My office is a safe space for you and your grief

You will never have to worry if I’m tired of hearing about your loss. I get it. I get grief. I understand it professionally, because that’s what I’m trained to do and talking about it is part of the process of working it through. And I get it personally, because I’ve had losses that made it feel like someone had extinguished the sun. We each walk our own unique path and I can help you as you navigate yours.

Allow me to support you on your journey. Call or text me and we’ll get started.